From 10 to 13 May, Valencia is experiencing the most beautiful weekend of the year. The festivities in honour of the Virgen de los Desamparadosthe patron saint of the city. The religious festivity takes place on the 8th of May, but in the capital the celebrations are moved to the second Sunday of the month of May. The weather forecast predicts a few days of almost clear skies and good temperatures, so the centre of the cap i casal will become a hive of devotees and faithful to the Geperudeta. If in 2023 we celebrated the centenary of the Pontifical Coronation of the titular image, in 2024 we celebrate the centenary of the Missa d'Infants, a popular Eucharist that takes place at dawn on Sunday in the same square of the Virgin.
For this Friday The main events on the programme are the double dansà fallera, the first one for children in the afternoon and the main one in the evening. Saturday is certainly a marathon day, although practically all of it takes place in the Plaza de la Virgen. Saturday's highlights include the dansà of the villages at 6.30 p.m., the Solemn Salve at 8 p.m., the concert by the Municipal Band at 11 p.m., an innovative fireworks display in the Town Hall square at midnight and, after the firing of the gun, a general dansà.
The night from Saturday to Sunday is one of the most magical nights in Valencia. Dozens of people wait in front of the Basilica to be able to experience the mass of Descobertawhich takes place at 5 am, while the different groups of pilgrims arrive at the heart of the city from municipalities as diverse as Benaguasil, Torrent and Sedaví, among others. Sunday is the big day with the centenary Missa d'Infants, Traslado, mascletà in the Town Hall square and General Procession at 18.30 hours.
The traditional Ronda a la Mare de Déu will take place on Monday 13 May, and on Wednesday, 22 May, when the popular Besamanos to the Virgin of the DesamparadosThis year the event will start at 06.30 am but will not end until the last devotee of the Geperudeta passes through the Basilica.
Read on for the full programme of events for the festivities in honour of the Virgen de los Desamparados de Valencia.

Full programme of events for the Virgen de los Desamparados 2024 festivities in Valencia
Friday, 10 May
- 8 p.m.: Dansà of the children's fallas in the Plaza de la Virgen.
- 11 p.m.: Dansà of the Fallas Majors in the Plaza de la Virgen.
Saturday, 11 May
- 10.30 a.m.: Mass sung by the Escolania in the Basilica for the Court of Honour.
- 11.30 a.m.: Presentation of children in the Basilica before the statue of Our Lady of the Forsaken.
- 12 noon: Saturday Mass
- 1 p.m.: Mass in the Basilica in commemoration of the Pontifical Coronation of Our Lady of the Forsaken.
- 5.30 p.m.: Mass in the Basilica
- 6.30 p.m.: Mass in the Basilica
- 6.30 p.m.: Dansà by dance groups from the towns of Valencia.
- 8 p.m.: Solemn Salve Solemnisima in the Basilica by the Escolania and former choirboys.
- 11 p.m.: Concert by the Valencia Municipal Symphonic Band, conducted by Cristóbal Soler.
- 00 hours: Firework display by Zarzoso de Altura pyrotechnics in the Town Hall square.
- 00.05 a.m.: General Dansà in the Plaça de la Mare de Déu
Sunday, 12 May
- 05:00 a.m.: Mass of Descoberta in the Basilica of the Virgin Mary
- 08:00 a.m.: Children's Mass in the Plaça de la Mare de Déu
- 10.30 a.m.: Transfer of the pilgrim image of the Virgen de los Desamparados from the Basilica to the Cathedral.
- 12 noon: Pontifical Mass in Valencia Cathedral
- 2 p.m.: Mascletà by Aitana de Bèlgida pyrotechnics in the Town Hall square.
- 17.30 hours: General Procession of the Virgen de los Desamaprados with the participation of all the fallas of Valencia and entities along the following route: Cathedral, Plaza de la Virgen, Calle Caballeros, Plaza Sant Jaume, Bolsería, Central Market, María Cristina, San Vicente, Plaza de la Reina, Calle del Mar, Avellanas, Palacio Arzobispal and Basilica.
Monday, 13 May
- 8.30 p.m.: Ronda a la Mare de Déu in Plaça de la Mare de Déu
Wednesday, 22 May
- 06.30 a.m.: Popular kissing in the Basilica until the last devotee passes.
NUWE is a 100% Valencian company that feels and lives each of the festivals that are celebrated in the cap i casal. The commitment of NUWE with Valencian culture and traditions is indisputable, being present in many of them.