Exclusive villa for sale in Javea

The Luxury Real Estate Market in 2024: An Unstoppable Trend

  The Luxury Real Estate Market in 2024: An Unstoppable Trend. The luxury real estate sector continues to defy expectations in 2024, with a significant increase in demand and an evolution in buyer preferences. According to the latest reports, high-end properties have experienced a 15% growth in sales in the first half of the year, driven by a significant increase in demand and an evolution in buyer preferences.....

ico guarantee mortgages

The new ICO guarantees for buying a home with the 100% mortgage

Buying a home is no easy task, but buying a home with a 100% mortgage is even more impossible... Yes, it's an exciting time, you imagine yourself making a life in your new home, but getting there is a narrow road ahead... These things are always complicated on one side or the other. Let's be honest, when it's not the seller, it's the impossibility...

Alicante Bonfires 2024 programme

Alicante Bonfires 2024 programme

Alicante is already in Hogueras 2024! The capital of Alicante is experiencing the big days of its festivities with an extraordinary atmosphere, good weather and dozens and dozens of bonfires in all its neighbourhoods. Strolling around Alicante these days is like strolling through a city devoted to its fiesta, a city where you can enjoy music, bonfires and gunpowder. The programme of events for the Alicante Bonfires...

House of the film 'Home Alone'.

Home Alone' mansion for sale at a discounted price

There are houses that transmit much more than what we can see. At NUWE this happens to us every day with some of the most special homes we have for sale and with all those that have been part of our portfolio since we began our journey. The concerns of our clients are very particular, unique, exclusive, and although they may coincide, each person expresses it in a different way to the other....

Holiday rentals: the real culprits of house prices?

Holiday rentals: the real culprits of house prices?

Today I bring you a very personal reflection on a part of our work at NUWE. The situation of the real estate market does not escape anyone's interest. On the one hand there are the professionals, on the other hand there are the clients and we cannot forget a very essential leg at this table: the Housing Law. Yes, you will see that I do not include holiday rentals as a fundamental part of an equation whose...

Corpus Christi in Valencia

Programme of events for Corpus Christi in Valencia 2024

Valencia is getting ready to experience its 'Festa Grossa', the festivity that until a few years ago was the most popular and the most important one in the cap i casal. There was a time when the Corpus Christi procession in Valencia was of such magnitude that when any monarch visited the city, an exceptional procession of the monstrance was organised. It was a way of showing the highest authority the best that the capital had to offer. The...

Luxury housing in London - Netflix

The two must-watch Netflix series for luxury housing lovers

Have luxury homes become fashionable? We at NUWE would tell you that no, this is not a passing fad in terms of business. It is quite another thing that from outside the sector one can feel a certain 'attraction' for those properties whose price has six digits or more. The link between luxury housing and television is not new. Gone are the days of programmes such as '¿Quién vive ahí?', on LaSexta, where properties with very high purchasing power were shown all over Spain. Now we find that that format has been given a twist and is presented to us as a fictional series style. That's why we bring you a different post from the previous ones: the two Netflix series that all lovers of luxury homes should watch.

Why are the new buildings all black and white?

Why are the new buildings all black and white?

Why are new buildings all in black and white? A simple stroll through a new neighbourhood in the city or coming across newly constructed buildings will lead us to notice a rather curious detail. It could be by chance, for architectural or even monetary reasons, but what is certain is that cities are losing the touches of colour that were brought by having black and white buildings.

Programme of events for the festivities of the Virgen de los Desamparados 2024 of Valencia

Programme of events for the festivities of the Virgen de los Desamparados of Valencia 2024

From 10 to 13 May, Valencia is experiencing the most beautiful weekend of the year. The festivities in honour of the Virgen de los Desamparados, patron saint of the city. The religious festivity takes place on 8 May, but in the capital the celebrations are moved to the second Sunday in May. The weather forecast is for a few days of almost clear skies and good temperatures, which means that the festivities will take place on the second Sunday of...

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